Single Managed Funds

A single managed investment fund is most often managed by one fund manager or team with a core investment strategy and focused mandate in mind. Single managed funds are recommended for investors with specific asset class or theme preferences and implementing a specific risk mandate.

For us, investing excellence is not only about industry and company knowledge, but more importantly about independent thinking and challenging conventional wisdom – which is what we strive for daily when managing our clients’ funds.

Single managed funds requires a thorough, effective investment process and analysis to select a particular share that will make a good long term investment. This process is also known as active management.

Fund Range

Multi-Fund Solutions

By selecting a multi-fund solution, your investment portfolio is exposed to top-performing investment funds. This gives investors access to the best fund specialist investment ideas and strategies. Multi-fund solutions are ideal for investors seeking active management of a diversified portfolio of underlying registered funds.

We follow a research-based philosophy and process supported by a disciplined implementation approach to drive investment return. Returns are generated from two sources, that is, active asset allocation and selection of managers who have distinguished themselves as the best in a specific asset class. Economic and investment cycles provide opportunities to add value through active asset allocation.

Our team undertakes thorough research in order to identify and select specialist asset managers with a demonstrable ability to manage mandates in specific market segments or asset classes. The candidates must have delivered consistent returns above their benchmarks over time. This we believe will give the funds a higher probability of success over the longer-term. Combining these managers with passive and lower cost alternatives, where appropriate, will produce superior net investment returns with greater consistency while controlling risk.

Fund Range

We strive to deliver services that are consistent and ethical,
as trust is the foundation of our client relationships.